Poultry & Livestock Review Africa

Poultry and Livestock Review Africa Edition 3 Of 2022 is now out

Dear Readers,

Just as expected, the poultry and livestock industries continue to grow. Cattle breeding has been on the rise, recently the Ankole has been on everyone’s mind. What makes it so special? One tends to wonder. Chat to a breeder and find out what makes it so stand out. We can talk all day about the things that differentiate a farmer from another, like where you farm, what you produce, and what associations or marketing boards you belong to. The differences, I expect you’ll find, tend to be in very specific things, while the commonalities tend to be core values — the kind of values that Poultry & Livestock Review Africa brings to the fore. Farmers and animal feed manufacturers are trying to keep their businesses running thanks to the high cost of feed and raw materials. But what is the long-term solution to the already looming feed crisis? Feed contributes to about 60 -70 per cent of the total production costs on a farm. Experiences in recent years have shown that smallholder poultry & livestock production systems can offer a useful entry point for development programmes addressing extreme poverty and food insecurity, especially where traditional and small commercial flocks are the domain of women. Readers, I am pleased to introduce our latest issue of Poultry & Livestock Review Africa, a leader in providing the primary source of news and information for poultry and livestock producers and industry allies across Africa.




Brenna Shumbamhini



Disclaimer: All Material is strictly copyright. The magazine or any part thereof may not

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