Poultry & Livestock Review Africa
Genetics and Breeding

Noiler Chicken Breed – History, Characteristics, Facts

Noiler chickens are a unique breed that’s gaining popularity all over the country. They’re a hardy, cold-weather bird that can thrive in a wide variety of climates. If you’re thinking about raising Noiler chickens, there are a few things you should know about their history, characteristics, and facts.

In this post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the Noiler chicken breed, from their history to their distinctive appearance. So you can decide if they’re the right fit for your farm or backyard flock.

The History of the Noiler Chicken Breed

Amo Farm Sieberer Hatchery Limited, often known as Amo Hatchery, created the Noiler chicken breed in Nigeria. It is a breed of chicken that can be used for both meat and eggs. The genetic studies began in 2003, and the Noiler pure-line breeding program commenced five years later.

The Noiler chicken was created by crossing 2 different breeds of chicken: They are a hybrid of broiler and cockerels. at production.

The Noiler chicken is a hardy breed of chicken that does not require a lot of care. They can be kept in a variety of housing systems, including free-range and cage-free. Noiler chickens do well in hot weather and do not require heated housing. They also do not require a lot of food and can live off of scraps and insects.

The Noiler is a slow-maturing bird, and it can take up to 18 months for them to reach full maturity. But once they do, these chickens are known for their hardiness and ability to forage for food. They’re also great egg-layers, and can produce up to 250 eggs per year.

If you’re interested in raising Noilers, it’s important to do your research first. This is not a chicken breed that’s meant for everyone. But if you have the time and patience to care for them, the Noiler can be a great addition to your flock.

At what Age do Noilers start laying eggs?

Noiler layers should begin ovulating at five months of age (some do this at four months). They start laying eggs and continue to do so for two years. When compared to our local chicken, Noiler eggs are significantly larger and have a dark yellow yolk.

Noilers start laying eggs at around five months of age, and they typically lay around 200-250 eggs per year. The eggs are large and brown, and they have a great flavor that makes them a favorite among chefs.

What is the difference between broilers and Noilers?

While broilers are raised primarily for their meat, noilers are raised for both. In other words, it is grown to produce eggs and meat. When comparing the broiler and the noiler, it is clear that they differ in terms of breeding strategy, growth rate, color, housing, hatching, and feeding technique.

What are the Characteristics of Noiler Chickens

Noilers are good natured and docile, and they’re not known for being flighty. They’re a good choice for people who want to raise chickens for meat, as they have a lot of breast meat. Here are characteristics of noiler chickens

  1. Noiler chickens are a dual-purpose chicken breed, meaning they can be used for both meat and egg production.
  2. They are a relatively new chicken breed, first developed in the early 21st century.
  3. They are a hybrid chicken breed, created by crossing two or more different chicken breeds.
  4. Noiler chickens are typically white in color, with some having light brownish feathers on their backs.
  5. They are a medium to large sized chicken breed, weighing between 5 and 8 pounds.
  6. Noiler chickens are known for being hardy and adaptable, able to withstand hot and cold weather conditions.
  7. They are also known for being good egg producers, laying an average of 200 eggs per year.

Noilers are a slow-growing breed that takes around 16 weeks to reach market weight. They have a black head and neck, with a white body and wings.

10 Facts About Noiler Chickens

Here are 10 facts about Noiler Chickens that you should know:

  1. The Noiler Chicken is a dual-purpose breed that was developed in the United States in the 21st century.
  2. They are a hardy and adaptable breed that is well-suited to a variety of climates.
  3. Noiler Chickens are excellent flyers and are known for their ability to roost in trees.
  4. They are a medium-sized breed and weigh between 7 and 8 pounds.
  5. Noilers varies in colors: black, white, yellowish, brown and grey patches with a few white feathers around their necks and tails.
  6. They have a calm disposition and make good pets.
  7. Noilers are excellent foragers and can survive on a diet of insects and small animals.
  8. They lay eggs that are light brown to tan in color and weigh about 2 ounces each.
  9. The eggs of the Noiler Chicken are highly prized for their flavor and nutritional value.
  10. Noiler Chickens are currently listed as “critical” on the Conservation Priority List by The Livestock Conservancy

How to Care for Noiler Chickens

1. Feed your Noiler chicken a diet rich in protein and nutrients. chickens need a high-protein diet to help them grow and develop properly. A good way to ensure your Noiler chicken is getting enough protein is to feed them a diet of worms, bugs, and other insects.

2. Make sure your Noiler chicken has plenty of access to fresh water. Chickens need to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated, so make sure their water dish is always full.

3. Keep your Noiler chicken coop clean and free of debris. A clean coop will help prevent disease and keep your chickens healthy.

4. Give your Noiler chicken plenty of space to roam and exercise. Chickens need room to move around and stretch their legs.

5. Regularly check on your Noiler chicken to make sure they are healthy and happy. Take time to observe their behavior and appearance. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, contact a veterinarian.


The Noiler chicken breed is a dual-purpose bird that is known for its excellent meat production and hardiness. They are tolerant of a wide range of temperatures and can adapt well to many different environments.

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