FeaturedLivestockMarketsTechnologyTechnology boosts Kenyan pastoralistsBrianFebruary 22, 2021March 1, 2021 by BrianFebruary 22, 2021March 1, 20210820 In a roadside bar in Nairobi, the smell of roasted meat wafts into the air as commuters make their way home from work. Served with cold...
FeaturedGenetics and BreedingLivestockNewsTechnologyWorldBreeding livestock for disease resilienceBrianFebruary 22, 2021March 1, 2021 by BrianFebruary 22, 2021March 1, 202101051 An EU-funded study investigates how livestock breeding programmes could benefit from disease resilience research and offers four genetic improvement alternatives. Infectious diseases are the cause...
FeaturedNewsPoultryProcessingTechnologyIn-line fat analysis of poultry meat with FATscanBrianFebruary 21, 2021March 1, 2021 by BrianFebruary 21, 2021March 1, 20210567 Poultry processors are always looking for ways to make the most value of every gram of poultry meat. That’s why more and more poultry plants...