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Expertise in New Cobb Broiler Breeder Management Guide Helps Customers Optimize Flock Performance

The new Cobb Broiler Breeder Management Guide includes expanded, updated, and newly added technical expertise in broiler breeder production management to help customers succeed. The company’s latest recommendations in the influential handbook are intended to help support more yield, better feed conversion, and healthy flocks for customers.

“As part of the Cobb commitment to quality, we work hard every day to make sure customers have access to the latest expertise that will help products reach maximum performance,” said Cody Polley, director of world tech support. “This broiler breeder handbook is important to customers and helps make quality protein accessible, healthy, and affordable worldwide.”

The guide covers topics such as feed management, chick management, water management, egg handling, and biosecurity best practices alongside extensive new information and important updates.

New information includes:

  • An easy-to-use checklist to determine if flocks are on target for rearing and production goals.
  • Detailed information on the importance of nutrition.
  • Explanation of feed management broken down into phases of rearing and production.
  • Extensive water management guidelines including a reference table to evaluate water quality.
  • Step-by-step instructions for cleaning and sanitizing breeder housing units.
  • Flock depletion: when and how.
  • Comprehensive ventilation information specific to breeder housing units.
  • Light trap installation and management.

 Expanded and updated information includes:

  • Detailed information to support and optimize your biosecurity program.
  • Pre-placement and post placement guidelines to get your flock off to a great start.
  • Comprehensive guide to lighting programs.
  • How to support body weight control including data analysis as well as a thorough explanation of the weighing, sorting and grading processes.
  • Male management including a guide to spiking programs.
  • Mechanical and manual egg collection: timing and key considerations.
  • Egg grading along with a protocol to evaluate eggshell quality.

 “These robust guides are unlike any others in the industry and one of the many ways Cobb supports customers,” said Polley. “This handbook strives to help customers achieve the full potential of parent breeding stock.”

All management guides and supplements are housed on Cobb’s website. Additional guides cover hatchery, vaccination, brooding fundamentals, grandparent management, and processing procedures. Topic-driven white papers, technical articles, and a full range of performance charts are also available. To access these resources, visit cobb-vantress.com/resource.

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